Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Movies, Society and Finding Our Compass
There were a couple of movies that came out the last few years that received a lot of attention from the “Christian” community. One was The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe from C.S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles; the second was The Da Vinci Code from a Dan Brown Novel. Now the attention these two movies received was drastically different, but in retrospect I think the movie that actually opened up more valued conversation for me was the Da Vinci Code, the one that was adverse toward my Christian beliefs. I had some great opportunities to talk to people about the fallacy of all those theories.

So, what’s my point? Maybe we need to change the way we look at things that are contrary to what we believe and instead of feeling threatened by them, see them as opportunities to engage others with what we believe. Take for example the up coming movie “The Golden Compass” If we read and know what the intention of the story is, then we probably know more than most who would see it, which gives us the opportunity to answer any questions that might arise from what is being portrayed. I have never pursued a question about my faith, that hasn’t in the end strengthened my faith, it just takes seeking to find, knocking for the truth to be opened up and asking to get the answer.
All this makes me wonder, how did Christianity spread so quickly throughout the
Roman Empire one of the most depraved and hedonistic civilizations the world has known? What was the attitude of those early followers when confronted with opposition to their beliefs? Confronted with the intense idolatry, rampant sexual perversions and complete dishonesty. I mean we never read of Paul saying “get out of Corinth, the place is filled with prostitutes!” He did say run away from the immorality, but he also said, ”…I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that.” (1Cor. 5:10 NLT). It seems to me that he is implying that they should expect to find just that type of behavior in the midst of the world they lived in, shouldn’t we?
What would happen if we as followers of Jesus actually followed in His steps or those of Paul? What if we really knew and experienced the transforming work of God in our lives and believed it would do the same for everyone who would have faith in as well? Would we worry less about keeping ourselves “safe” and more about stepping up and into the heart and heat of the conversation?
It’s interesting that the origin of the word “pagan” which has come to mean an unbeliever or heathen, first came from the Latin word which means, country dweller. You see there was a time when the followers of Jesus did not run out of the cities to keep themselves from all the wickedness that was there (Rome being the very heart and epicenter of the know world), but instead remained there until the only ones left who had not heard about Jesus were out in the outskirts, the country, the Pagans. They too like Paul had this idea in their heads that they could actually impact the entire world. And you know what? They did! Their compass, like God’s pointed
toward the heart of the world.

… Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to go over to Macedonia and Achaia before going to Jerusalem. “And after that,” he said,
“I must go on to Rome!” (Acts 19:21)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Seeing and Believing

Seeing and Believing

It is hard at times to hold onto hope when everything we see looks so bleak, and though the words from 2 Corinthians “we walk by faith and not by sight” ring true, often they don’t seem to ring NOW, when we want them to. This was brought to mind today when Pastor Jeff Stewart from CC Pomona Valley shared briefly yet beautifully about his wife Karen and her lung cancer and how the scriptures spoke to them when Jesus was in the boat with the disciples during the storm and they cried out to Him, Lord don’t you care what's happening here! Jesus response was “why are you afraid, how is it that you have no faith” Now we all know they should have had confidence in the Lord, after all Jesus was in the boat with them, but we also know all to well the reason why they didn’t have faith don’t we? It was because of all they could see, was literally all that they could see.
Many of you know our son Samuel is at boot camp to become a
Marine, what not many know is that he has become a letter-writing maniac! Before going into boot camp I could count on half a hand all the times Samuel had written, but now he has written to both his grandparents (a couple of times), to many of his friends and to us five times. What has been so neat for us is the content of the letters, things like “please pray for me” or, “I went to church again” or our favorite “I miss you and can’t wait to see you” The reason I mention his letters is not merely to brag about our son, who in just a few months time has become a family hero (especially to the grandparents), I write it to make the point that, what we never could have seen or imagined a few months ago is today a reality written and right in front of us. So then, what is it that you are having trouble seeing? Is it the restoration of a relationship? Is it the return of a wayward child? Remember just because you don’t see it does not mean that it is not there, and even if the situation does not work out the way you would think best, Jesus is still in the boat or maybe more fitting to your situation like Paul when he was alone in prison, it says “But the following night the Lord stood by him” (Acts 23:11) You may not see Him there, but who are you going to believe? Jesus,

...or what it is you think you see?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



I am going to make some pretty big changes regarding my traveling both to Sacramento for the dog training and to lead the studies up in St. Helena.
As I have shared before it has been difficult driving back and forth. I don’t want to come across complaining or say this to make anyone feel sorry for me, I actually share this in my weakness, I have had quite a bit of internal turmoil regarding this.
I’ve been praying since early July, wondering whether St. Helena is really where the Lord is leading my family and me, or am I pursuing this merely because I have no other choices? My thoughts have been that if the Lord is not leading me in this direction, then will I now end up doing nothing? So then, would I rather do something, than nothing? But then again, would I rather do nothing than something that the Lord is not leading in? Anyway, I hope that conveys some of my mental and emotional struggles.

Again it is in my weakness I humbly admit that I sought and needed counsel, and so I spoke to a pastor who I prayed and believed could help me sort through some of these things without the emotional baggage.
My time with him was clarifying and very healing; as a result of our time I will not be going up to St. Helena for at least the next two months and also cutting back on the dog training. He shared (and I believe it wise) that I needed to spend less time running around trying to make something happen because of fear or worry and more time seeking the Lord for direction, and confirming peace. That it’s hard to hear the Lord’s still small voice when you don’t take the time to be still and your own head is screaming so loud.

Now, I would like to try and make this helpful to others and not just a state of my psychotic affairs. I believe this is true in so many areas of our lives, we often feel we must do something and so that’s exactly what we do, “something”, not necessarily the “right” thing. And though I believe it’s easier for God to steer our lives when they're moving, maybe like me you too forget that waiting on the Lord is actually forward movement, and that praying is really very progressive.
Finally I have to say how blessed I was that as I shared these things with Pastor Bill in Napa and with some of the individuals in St. Helena, they not only understood and sympathized with my situation, but encouraged me in it as well. Which I found extremely comforting, but also very difficult, because really, who wouldn’t want to be with people like that?

I beg for your prayers during this time, that Corinne and I would hear, know and not shrink back from the Lords leading.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Let It Rain

Repost from March 18, 2006

Let It Rain

Have you ever at the end of one those days or maybe weeks wondered "why am I doing all this?" I'm tired, overwhelmed with thoughts and things I need to get done, and for what!? That's what I was thinking last night (more accurately that morning) as I was trying to put some thoughts into my memory for the night's e3. Why am I doing this? Who cares and what difference is it going to make?

It was raining again; in fact a friend asked me "why do you think it keeps raining on Friday's? My response was, "rain is good, it cleanses things we can't see," I was thinking specifically of my attitude. We still had about 30 people come out in spite of the rain and all, but will I continue to do what I believe God wants me to do even if it's a battle and it rains every Friday? Add to the mix a week full of frustrating situations that I have no power over, praying for people who are seriously ill, counseling appointments that just make you cry afterwards, a women who already has had to give up 3 of her children because of bad choices made, who is pregnant again, and figures it best to just have an abortion "this time". Inside I'm screaming it would be best if you would just... sorry, my thoughts weren't kind, and my heart is broken for those kids and her continued bad choices.

A constant fear of mine is that one day I will look back on my life and all the things I have done, with the thought that it made no difference, all that I did was just a waste of time, a waste of life.
After tonight's meeting a couple of people talked with me about some of the things I said and then there was one... a girl who believes she heard from God through the things I shared, a confirmation to something that had been heavy on her heart and mind, she was in tears believing that God spoke to her and so we prayed that God would continue to guide her steps of faith and obedience.
You know, it really doesn't matter what things I accomplish in my life, what really matters is what God accomplishes in the lives of other through me.

I felt better after that, in fact even though I was a bit tired Corinne and I went with a group to grab a bite to eat afterwards, it was a good night.
and as far as next week,

... let it rain

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Day Is as a Thousand Years

A Day Is as a Thousand Years

Well the two days that I spent up in Sacramento were interesting and a little frustrating. I was hoping to get maybe five training lessons in during that time, but ended up with only two because of the weather. On my way back down I was thinking how the rain affects us all, both in good ways (farmers) and in bad (outdoor dog training!). I left for home right after the second lesson around 8:30 and was hoping to make it back by 1:30 or 2 a.m., but the rain came into play and slowed things down quite a bit. That was nothing though compared to the Armageddon that took place on the I-5 involving 28 commercial vehicles and one passenger car and totally shut down two freeways as well as tragically taking 3 lives.

When I came upon the accident I was stuck in between two exits and so it took me almost 2 hours just to exit the Fwy. and another two to make it home finally at around 5 a.m.
It struck me as kind of ironic that my last blog talked about Joseph and Mary’s excursion to Bethlehem and getting over the walls in our lives while here I was on my own excursion to make it home to Upland facing a wall of red lights. I can’t tell you how difficult those last few hours were, and how long those two days seemed (thus the title in jest). I did wonder though what God wanted to do in or with my life at that time and I had plenty of it to think. It also reminded me of a time before when I was questioning the rain and God’s hand in all of these kinds of things. I posted a blog about it and may repost it if I can find it.

On a good note, I led worship at CC Montebello today and although it was 4 services and I had to wake up way early it was great and refreshing leading them (boy those people will sing whether you’re there or not), and it was way kewl to be in front and listen to them all. Singing has a way of pouring out our souls to God and He will never be outdone, He will always pour more into us.
Next week and weekend I am going back up to Sacramento and then St. Helena, appreciate your prayers as this last wall really took a lot out of me.


I cry out to the LORD;
I plead for the LORD’s mercy.
I pour out my complaints before him
and tell him all my troubles.
When I am overwhelmed,
You alone know the way I should turn.
Wherever I go … Psalm 142

Friday, October 12, 2007

When God Builds a Wall

You may have heard the saying when God closes a door He opens a window, it sounds nice and is something we like to read in our little box of promises, but in my expierience sometime the door closes and there is no window in sight, in fact sometimes it seems as if God closes a door and builds a wall!
I think the difficult thing for us to understand (at least for me) is that my circumstances (and by that i mean my comfort) are really no way to determine if God is at work or not. I
mean imagine if Mary and Joseph used their circumstances to determine if God was at work in their lives or not? Here they are on their way to Bethlehem in the last days of Mary's pregnancy (riding on a donkey no less) all because some hedonistic king wants to take a census so he can get more money. Do you think that maybe they were feeling a little stressed out? I know in that circumstance I would be wondering "ok God where's the window that my promise book talked about?"
It is only because in retrospect that we understand God was orchestrating all of mankind to bring about the most incredible event that would ever take place in human history, that the Word would become flesh and dwell among us, but i bet you a million to one Joseph and Mary weren't feeling the love at that moment.
What drives people to keep moving forward in faith? It's definitely not circumstances, maybe it's perseverance in spite of they we see, or fail to see. In 1 Samuel14:13 it speaks of Jonathan and his armor bearer climbing up, using their hands and feet to engage the Philistine army. Now why is that verse in the Scriptures? If he was climbing what else would he use besides his hands and feet? Maybe the same way Jonathan climbed the mountain and Joseph walked to bethlehem is also the way we get past the wall in front of us. So when it seems like God has closed the door and put up a wall, you can wait for a window, or you can use your hands and feet
...and get over it

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Just Two Days

Just Two days
I really don't want to, but I'm going to be heading back up to Sacramento tomorrow morning for a coupel of days. Chris who is one of the trainers has a couple of lessons already scheduled that she said would be great for me, they are with aggressive dogs so it should be exciting. I hope to leave early in the morning and get back early, early Saturday morning. I keep telling myself it's just
two days.
Well glad to report that Lauren passed her drivers test and is now an official licensed driver (just a word of warning). I also am supposed to get my toyota Camry back next week (boy that's a whole story in itself).

Would appreciate the prayer for my family and me the next two days. Jordan and Daniel are still home so that's comforting to me, and again, it's just two days

...and about 900 miles ha-ha

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Update on friends son Dan

Some of you know about my friends son who has cancer, I wanted to post this update and ask that all of you continue to pray for Dan. Please pray as if this were your own son, brother or loved one and realize that a mother and fathers heart are tied to this young man, so should ours be who are his spiritual family.
"And if one member suffers all the members suffer with it" - 1 Cor. 12:26

From Dan's blog...

So I don't know the last time I blogged... but here goes. I told you in my status I would write about the good news, and now it is coming.

As of tomorrow the 7th, I will have been on chemo for three months (minus a week where I had a break, which was nice) but I did start on 7/7/07. Nice, huh. Well, the good news (aside from me handling the last two treatments (3&4) very well) is I had a PET scan on the 27th of September. I last had a PET scan on July 28th, and my mom took the new scan home and compared it with the old one. Anyway, she called me, and was crying, saying she was looking at my scan... thanks, mom. My dad took the phone, told me it was good news, and my mom was just being emotional.

Basically, in the first scan, my liver was filled with tumors, forcing it all the way across my abdomen. The new scan showed my liver at about 3/4 of the way across my abdomen, which is normal. So they're shrinkin. :D ALSO, in the first scan, they were lighting up a lot, meaning they were metabolically more active than a sugar-loaded 6 year-old. Second scan: they look as active as an octegenarian couch potato. So that's hot. Praise the Lord, faithful like none other.
I didn't want to write until now, because yesterday was when I found out what was happening next. I got chemo again (round 5) and in three weeks, I will have round 6. After that, I will have a CT scan (which better shows size, as PET shows activity better) to check out the size of those little buggers, and see what to do from there. And with the fantastic combination of me tolerating the chemo well plus the chemo kicking those tumors bununus (buttockses in Hume Lake-ish), I think those tumors could be gone soon.

Thanks to all who have prayed at least once, thanks to all those who prayed daily, thanks to God the Almighty of the universe! I'll admit it's a lot easier to say that when things are going well. But it is more powerful to say it when things are poopy. You know? 'I feel like crap, but praise God anyway, because, quite frankly, He's God.' Wow.

Another thing I remembered upon a pondering moment... I remember being frustrated (kinda) that I didn't have a cool testimony. Nothing like, 'I was on the streets addicted to crack' or 'I turned to God when I was about to kill myself'. More like, 'I was born on a Tuesday and in church on Sunday'. Woohoo. But now, God has decided to let me have a testimony more interesting than I've had before. I had a strange form of a rare cancer, random crap happened to my body all the time, and yet, the peace of Christ saturated my soul through it all. He was there through it all, as He had been when I was a healthy, boring-testimonied person. How bout that, huh? God is awesome. Amen.

Sept. / Oct.

Sept. Oct. the uttermost parts of the world

It's been pretty busy lately and I haven't had an internet signal available till now. I'm hijacking someone's wifi signal (thank you whoever you are, I promise not to black hole all the band width.)

I went up to Roseville Wed. afternoon for the dog training and was able to work in four different training sessions, including one where I actually took the leash! I have been staying at the business owners place for three days and then met Corinne, Lauren, Alyssa along with my cousin and others in Davis last night (Friday) for dinner. After dinner Corinne and the girls had to find an Urgent care somewhere in Sacramento because Lauren has an ear infection or something and is in a lot of pain. I came up here to Napa and the girls made it in later.

I've had a couple of conversations this week that have got me thinking. The first was when I was asked if I thought that a persons life could be blessed if they had no children. The reason they asked was because once at church he heard that if you had children you were blessed and so he assumed that because he didn't, that somehow he wasn't. What really got to me was that he wished he had a family, but felt now it's too late.

Imagine living with the thought that no matter what you do, the rest of your life will be less than what it should be. I think a lot of people feel this way with a lot of situations and for a lot of reasons. I shared with him that there are many people who don't have children or who have even lost children that are still blessed. I told him not to dwell on what you can't change, but on what you can.

The second conversation was over lunch after a lesson, the trainer and O were talking about the changes that take place in our lives and the importance of not thinking so much of ourselves to the point where we make others a convenience for our needs and have little or no regard for them, their feelings or their needs. When she dropped me off at my truck she asked me where the church i was pasturing was at. I told her no where right now, that's one of the reasons why I'm dog training. She very kindly added that if I started a church in their area that she would go and bring her whole family. Wow, i thought, that was easy, all i had to do was listen and share a little of what the scriptures teach and the Lord faithfully fills in the needs.

Both these conversations stirred in me some of the things I have been studying for the services I'm teaching this Sunday in Acts. There is such a need in every community for people to be what Jesus told us we are to be in Acts chapter one, "witnesses". Erwin Mc Mannus explains it as "proof" of God, and that the smallest denomination that God measured for the disciples was not people, families or small towns, but whole cities, like Jerusalem, Judea and eventually the entire world.

So maybe once again I am thinking to small, maybe the Lord doesn't want me to talk to a few people, maybe He wants something more from all of us, maybe He wants us to affect whole communities and not just one, but a whole bunch of them. I have at least three in my mind right now, anyone up for a challenge? Definitely going to need a couple of add shots for this one.

... and from reading Acts, i don't think caffeine is enough.