Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wholly Yours

Wholly Yours

What you are doing in me, do thoroughly Lord. Work faithfully in my heart until it surrenders in complete worship. What are these struggles in light of eternity? If there are greater battles ahead, how much greater will be the joy of Your presence. Engrave Your will on the core of my being so I am scarred forever by Your touch, even as you are forever scarred by the cross. When the weight of this world is too heavy I will bow my knee in prayer, when the pain too great I will cry out to the God who holds the world, for I know that the God who holds the world, holds me. And when the burden is lifted I will rejoice, when the morning light breaks the darkness, I will greet its light with Your praise, I will sing again for joy and remember how You sustained me with Your strong love,

...and strange peace

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